Founded in 1946, DynCorp is among the largest company-owned technology and services companies in the United States, providing IT, outsourcing and technical solutions for public and private sectors worldwide. DynCorp's clients include the Defense and State Departments, and the Environmental Protection, among others. Capricorn (->) distributed 70% of its DynCorp investment to its partners in early 1997. DynCorp was one of the lead contractors for the War on Drugs in South America called "Plan Colombia".
DynCorp helped clients such as the U.S. Army's Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Postal Service. On the list of DynCorp clients from the public sector : U.S. Postal Service (USPS), Centers for Disease Control, Department of Defense etc..
DynCorp is responsible for the crashes of the helicopters in Afghanistan,
as confirmed by tech mag insight, reported by investigative reporter Kelly Patricia O'Meara
1) Enron executive Herbert S. "Pug" Winokur was on the board of DynCorp from 1988 to 1997, Winokur was the Chairman and CEO of DynCorp. It was said, that ENRON worked with 20 CIA agents to bribe business deals. DynCorp is one of the lead contractors for the new phony War on Drugs in South America called "Plan Colombia".
2) James Woolsey, former CIA director and friend of Pentagon advisor Richard Perle (Hollinger Inc.= Daily Telegraph, Jerusalem Post etc..) was director of DynCorp.
3) DynCorp is connected with the CIA as the nation's twenty-second largest defense contractor with 1998 U.S. Government contract revenues of $475 million. DynCorp, which currently has between 300-600 contracted employees in Colombia, is performing functions like crop eradication (using defoliants like Vietnam), to sophisticated aerial reconnaissance, to combat advisory roles training military and possibly even paramilitary forces.
4) On Nov. 12, 2001, DynCorp, major government contractor for data processing, military operations and intelligence work, was awarded a $322 million contract to develop, produce and store vaccines for the Department of Defense ( DynPort Vaccine Company -- A joint venture of DynCorp and Porton International Ltd. ->)
5) DynCorp and Hadron, both defense contractors connected to classified research programs on communicable diseases, have been linked to a software program known as Promis. Source:
6) From the list of DynCorp clients from the public sector:
Centers for Disease Control Department of Defense Bureau of Census Department of Defense Department of Education Department of Energy Department of Health and Human Services Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) U.S. Air Force (USAF) U.S. Army U.S. Navy U.S. Postal Service (USPS) Source:
7) Back to ENRONs Herbert "Pug" Winokur (->) and a report from Etherzone (Uri Dowbenko->):
"Pug" Winokur has been such a permanent fixture in the Washington Old Boy Network that he's even mentioned in a 1978 book by Daniel Guttman called "The Shadow Government.".. Historically Winokur's Capricorn Holdings was used as an investment vehicle in NHP, an apartment management firm headed by Roderick Heller III. In turn, NHP's assets included oft-purloined and defaulted HUD Section 8 subsidy housing, a notorious and well-known vehicle for fraud and money laundering. Winokur was on the Board of Directors of Harvard Endowment Fund, which purchased 50 percent of NHP, making the prestigious Harvard a prototypical, but very low-profile, slum landlord. (See Bushwhacked: HUD Fraud, Spooks and the Slumlords of Harvard"
It should be noted that George Bush Jr. attended Harvard Business School. Later, after Bush joined Harken Energy Corp and became a director, the largest stock position and seat on the board was acquired by Harvard Management Co. Since DynCorp had a contract from the Department of Justice, Winokur would have profited from the DoJ Asset Seizure Program, as well as HUD's Operation Safe Home seizures which targeted low-income tenants and mortgage holders in the inner cities. ENRONs help by the CIA Enron dealmaker Frank Wisner Jr. muscled the company into lucrative overseas contracts, most notably in India and the Philipines. Enron's deal to manage a power plant in the Philippines was due largely to Wisner's efforts. Based in Subic Bay, a former US military outpost, the power planet was taken over by Enron in 1993, two months after the last US troops left the base. Wisner is credited with helping Enron win a $2.8 billion deal in India, building a power plant near Bombay. Now the project is under heavy fire for being over-priced, and the deal continues to simmer with allegations of bribery.
Wisner Jr. must have learned his tradecraft from his father Frank Wisner Sr., one of the CIA's prime operatives. Wisner Sr., who worked at CIA from 1947 until just before his "suicide" in 1965, was involved in:
1) the 1954 CIA coup in Guatemala, toppling the goverment of Jacobo Arbenz for United Fruit Company,
2) the 1953 overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq, and
3) the secret operations against Indonesian President Sukarno.
Unlike his spooky father, Frank Wisner Jr., however, was a former Pentagon official before his job at Enron.
8) May 25, 2001 "..The name of Dyncorp surfaced once more in connection with the shoot down of the missionary plane in Peru. Early news reports identified the American "spotters" who fed the Peruvian pilots the targets as under contract to the CIA. It turns out they were actually contracted by Dyncorp which may or may not have had a contract with the CIA. Dyncorp "employees" are involved in the "defoliating" campaign in Peru and Columbia reminiscent of the Agent Orange debacle in Vietnam. Dyncorp is only one of a number of government "fronts" or "proprietaries" involved as surrogates around the world. Almost allof its $1.4 billion in 1999 revenue came from the U.S. Government.>
CorpWatch May 23, 2001 "..Corpwatch has acquired a copy of a $600 million dollar contract between DynCorp and the U.S. State Department. The company carries crop fumigation and eradication against coca farmers in Colombia, Bolivia and Peru. In Colombia it is involved in drug interdiction, transport, reconnaissance, search and rescue missions, medical evacuation and aircraft maintenance, among other operations.."
DynCorp-State Department Contract
dyncorp-sucks death squad "...The information below is from CIABASE files on Death Squads supported by the CIA. Also given below are details on Watch Lists prepared by the CIA to facilitate the actions of Death Squads. After September 11th, another major client of DynCorp became the FBI. DynCorp promised to do a $51 million upgrade of the FBI network for the information technology and transport network components of its Trilogy program, a $300 million, three-year initiative to update the FBI backbone network. Compare:
Harvard Corp:
("Pug" Winkour )
DynCorp has best contacts to the most important military and intelligence scientists.
From June 2-3rd, 1998, Dr. Joe Furman, DynCorp supported a workshop on "Medical Surveillance" regarding possible bio/nuclear attacks.
The workshop was organised by the US Department of Energy and was furthermore supported by Argonne National Laboratory, Lockheed Martin, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Battelle-Pantex and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. (-->)
DynCorp is responsible for the security of Afghan leader Karzai. (also see OIL )
On December 13, 2002, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) and DynCorp announced they have entered into a merger agreement
providing for the acquisition of DynCorp by CSC.
(See Anthrax 9/11 Gate) (See Bens) (-> Capricorn Holdings ) (See Cia) (See Citigroup) (See Dyn mcdermott)
(See Dynport) (See StephenHatfill) (See Helicopter Crashes) (In-Q-Tel) (-> National Center for Simulation (See Pmcs)
(See Prince Turki Al-FaisalAlSaud) (See Smallpox Vaccines) (See Virginia-Connection) (See James Woolsey)
DynCorp From Kosovo to Peru By Jim Rarey
Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away
Investigators Say Millions Wasted in Iraq Reconstruction Dyncorp fraud
Dr. Kaminski DEFENSE MAPPING - General Dynamics, DynCorp
Computer Sciences Corporation CSC - SAIC NSA Digital Rights Management...
Jerome Hauer - 9/11 Encyclopedia
Terror-Scenarios - 9/11Encyclopedia
Setting Up the 9/11 Patsies - hijackers blamed for September 11 were Oswalds.
Fema The Secret Government - 9/11Review
Bluegrass Nazis: Tetra Tech, CIA, Reinhard Gehlen Network, etc.
email -Nazis and are connected to 9-11
100,000 Contractors in Iraq not included in Military counts
Army unit in Iraq accused in murder trials - found baiting
Herbert Winokur - 9/11 Encyclopedia
Don C Wiley - 9/11 Encyclopedia
Death Cases - 9/11 Encyclopedia
James Woolsey - 9/11 Encyclopedia
Pmcs - 9/11 Encyclopedia
Saturday, February 20, 2010
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